Venton-forte Varicose Veins Tonic


Prevents varicosity in patients with occupational etiology.
Helps prevent rupture of varicose veins in already affected pts.
Prevents varices in other parts of the body.
Reduces the formation of perforators.
Helps to heal wounds caused by varicose vein.
Better results when used with omega 369 and Haematox-De tonic

Price: INR 290 per 300 ml


Additional information

Weight 0.33 kg

Prevents varicosity in patients with occupational etiology.
Helps prevent rupture of varicose veins in already affected pts.
Prevents varices in other parts of the body.
Reduces the formation of perforators.
Helps to heal wounds caused by varicose vein.
Better results when used with omega 369 and Haematox-De tonic


Vit E – 2.5 IU
Vit K – 10 mg
Vit C – 25 mg
Vit B
Aescesculushippocastanum seed extract – 0.1 ml
Carduusmarianus extract – 0.1 ml
Fagopyrumesculentum extract – 0.1 ml (rutin extracted)
Hibiscus sabdariffa plant extract – 0.1 ml
Rutagraveolens leaf extract – 2.0 ml.
Nux vomica extract – 2.0 ml


All adventies products contains herbal extracts, so it might cause strong odour and might taste bitter. It is advised to dilute them in 100 ml hot water and take it if you experience such strong odour or taste.


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