

Blood Purifier.
Acts as a complete cleanser of the body.
Removes all infections and bad substances from the blood.
Replenishes new blood cells.
Protects body by increasing WBC’s to fight bacteria, viruses and other microorganism.
Removes all infections in the skin (itching, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, etc).
Helps in renal failure to remove creatinine and urea from the blood.
All cancers.
All ulcers and wounds.
Better results when used with Omega 369 and Fe-Fil tonic.

Price: INR 400 per 450 ml


Additional information

Weight 0.47 kg

Blood Purifier.
Acts as a complete cleanser of the body.
Removes all infections and bad substances from the blood.
Replenishes new blood cells.
Protects body by increasing WBC’s to fight bacteria, viruses and other microorganism.
Removes all infections in the skin (itching, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, etc).
Helps in renal failure to remove creatinine and urea from the blood.
All cancers.
All ulcers and wounds.
Better results when used with Omega 369 and Fe-Fil tonic.


Echinesia purpura extract – 0.1 ml
Sarsaparilla extrat – 0.1 ml
Hydrocotyle leaf extract -0.1 ml
Baptisia root extract – 0.1 ml
Hydrastis Canadensis root extract – 0.1 ml
Alovera extract
Vit C – 25 mg
Grape fruit extract
Vit B12 – 10 mg
Dandelion root extract.


All adventies products contains herbal extracts, so it might cause strong odour and might taste bitter. It is advised to dilute them in 100 ml hot water and take it if you experience such strong odour or taste.

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